Leaders Refresh Workshops and Retreats are offered throughout the year to provide unique opportunities for individual leaders both to enhance their leadership skills and to connect with leaders of secular community service organizations and faith-based organizations while nourishing their minds and spirits. Workshops are held virtually on a range of topics. The annual Leaders Refresh retreat, held in real space, addresses management strategies and incorporates inter-spiritual rituals, yoga and other body movement, healing practices, individual and group coaching sessions.

"Leading Beyond Your Comfort Zone"
Leaders become leaders because they demonstrate passion, commitment,
and strong skills in particular areas that meet organizational needs.
To lead organizations to even greater mission impact requires that leaders
set the pace for going beyond what enables the current level of success.
To support organizational growth and manage organizational change –
that is, going into the unknown – requires leaders to go beyond their
own comfort zones. This workshop helps you identify the parameters
of your comfort zones relating to different aspects of your leadership
and provides beginning tools for your own personal growth as a leader.

"Alone in the Crowd"
It is often said that it is “lonely at the top”. Leadership often brings loneliness and
isolation as they have no peers in the organization. This common experience
is greatly heightened for leaders of color in predominantly white organizations,
for LGBTQ leaders in predominantly hetero cisgender organizations, Leaders with
disabling conditions in organizations that do not have specific mission for disabled
persons, and leaders who experience constant Challenge and sabotage. These are
just a few of the contexts in which leaders are likely to feel very lonely and isolated
from the community of people they are called to lead in the midst of the organizations
that they lead. This workshop offers you rich spiritual strategies and psychological
resources for navigating this experience and enables you to network
with other leaders who understand this distinct experience.

"Leading While Grieving"
Personal losses, challenges, and crises do not stop because you are a leader.
Leaders are human and therefore are affected by the human reality of grief.
Leading While Grieving provides a space for you to share with other leaders
who can relate to the challenge of attending to the impacts of a personal
loss when the demands on your time and your ability to focus remain great.
This virtual workshop provides a template for self-compassion and effective leadership.

"Change and Conflict Management"
Power struggles, at their core, are reflections of anxiety and fear that something highly valued to an individual or group is being threatened. As this anxiety mounts, so do the power plays and the use of every imaginable strategy to preserve that which is so valued for individuals and groups within the organization. To be effective in breaking through the power struggles:
1. Understand what is valued and why
2. Convey respect and appreciation of what is
3. Empathize with what the threat of loss feels like
4. Recognize that it is ultimately not about you
5. Develop strategic partnerships to identify ways to negotiate win-win solutions
6. Love and pray for those who are trapped in their anxiety and fear
This workshop helps you identify the issues present in your organization and the strategies needed to move toward a breakthrough and move toward creating beloved community.